ISIN: GB00BNXGHS27 · LOWLAND INV CO PLC · © Financial Conduct Authority

Short Selling Alert: Eisler Capital (MT) Ltd

Message date: 13th February 2025

Termsheet of the Shortselling Transaction

Opened a short position in this security on 13th February 2025. This is the short seller's first exposure with respect to this company.
Snapshot transaction history


One (1) companies specializing in short selling have LOWLAND INV CO PLC on their short-selling radar. The total share of all short selling positions is 0,55%. The largest share is held by Eisler Capital (MT) Ltd with 0,55%.
Weighting of the position within the overall ranking: 386

Short Selling Radar (EU) - Short Selling - Statistics - Trends & Developments

Informed investors make better decisions - Corporate Insights- Tools for Traders - FinTech+AI

Dashboard Short Selling Radar

Reportable transactions by short sellers - First-time exposures

The activities of short sellers are attracting widespread attention and are increasingly being included in the overall assessment of investment strategies. The strategy of a short seller to bet on falling prices can be motivated by various reasons. These range from the correction of exaggerated price developments and gloomy future prospects to the disclosure of hidden risks.

While the majority of short selling activity relates to the same pool of companies, rookies attract particular interest. Especially when powerful market participants such as Marshall Waze or Blackrock make their presence felt. Whether the short sellers' calculations work out can be seen on the basis of the further share price development.

This dashboard shows an overview of the companies that were first targeted by hedge funds' short-selling strategies. While this view only shows a subset, you can access the complete overview via this link. From there, you have the option of carrying out further research. Tip: You can now save yourself valuable time, e.g. by carrying out time-consuming research on individual companies. Use the [AI] connect button in the tool to quickly and conveniently obtain useful background information on the companies.

Since June 2023, performance developments can be tracked via virtual portfolio trackers.


In addition to the information provided in the 'Dashboard Insights', we would like to point out that the content presented here is for information purposes only and is aimed at a group of people who have a solid basic knowledge of the subject matter. Short selling strategies can only be replicated to a limited extent. Some financial service providers allow short selling of securities. Contracts for difference can be used to a limited extent to hedge portfolios or participate in falling markets.

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