Important note
ayondo's development is closely linked to technological innovation. Since the company was founded, the brand has stood for digitalization, progress and disruption. We are open to new developments and want to put them at the service of the ayondo community. This is also the case with the topic of artificial intelligence. The first module was integrated into the ayondo webapp as early as February 2023. Later, further modules and components followed, always with the objective of increasing the usability of the information offered. The notes set out here are intended to help you gain a better understanding of how to incorporate the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence.

Inclusion of artificial intelligence

Modules that make use of the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) are integrated in various places on the Internet platform. The development was carried out exclusively against the background that users of the information offer profit directly from it. The added value achieved is always evident when AI is used to supplement existing content by enriching it with background information in the sense of expanding knowledge. A significant advantage for users is that the effort required for further research, for example, is reduced in a significant way. Extensive tests show that for generally valid questions, the AI's answers are very accurate. Moreover, they do not contain any promotional elements and are written in such a way that they focus exclusively on the content. Since the AI takes a neutral position, it can be assumed that conflicts of interest, which can occur in editorially written articles, do not exist. Notwithstanding this, we would like to address some of the advantages and disadvantages of using and relying on AI at this point. We generally recommend that content, regardless of the source, not be taken over unchecked or actions derived from it. This applies to real life as well as to AI.
Strengths and weaknesses of the inclusion of AI
The following list addresses the key features that should be considered when using it.

Advantages & Strengths
  • Efficiency and productivity: By using AI like ChatGPT, users can work more efficiently and be more productive. By automatically answering questions and finding relevant information, research efforts can be significantly reduced.

  • Availability: AI can be available around the clock, providing constant support, regardless of time and place.

  • Personalization: AI can respond to the individual needs and preferences of each user and provide personalized recommendations and assistance.

  • Scalability: AI can be easily scaled to accommodate an increasing number of users without the need for additional human resources.

What you should know
  • Privacy: Although AI such as ChatGPT does not store personal data, there is always the possibility that user data could be misused or hacked in other ways. Therefore, privacy is an important consideration when using AI.

  • Misinterpretation: AI may misinterpret information or be unable to understand complex queries, leading to misinformation or misunderstandings

  • Lack of human intervention: although AI can minimize research effort and increase efficiency, it cannot replace the human factor and judgment.

  • Dependence on AI: Overdependence on AI can cause people to neglect their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

AI does not replace common sense
  • AI is not a substitute for human judgment. It should be viewed as an aid, not the sole source of decisions or actions.

  • AI relies on the data provided to it. The quality and accuracy of the answers therefore depends heavily on the data provided.

  • AI can misinterpret or misunderstand information. It is therefore important that users critically question all information provided by the AI and seek a human opinion when necessary.

  • Users should always ensure that they fully understand and accept the AI's privacy policy and terms of use before using it.

  • Users should be aware that despite the advances in AI technology, it still makes mistakes and is not perfect. Therefore, users should always be vigilant and seek human advice when needed.
Where can I find views in which the information offered is upgraded via AI?
Everywhere you find this symbol

Status: February 2023 | last updated November 2023